Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Remembering President Hinckley

Our beloved prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley died a week and a half ago on January 17th, 2008 at the age of 97. I loved him so much, and I'm sad to see him go, but glad that he is resting a little, and back with his wife.

Since his passing, I have had time to relfect on him, and the calling of a prophet. What I discovered is that I am not sad about the passing of a prophet, I am sad at the passing of the man. I know that revelation will continue, that God will call another prophet, that I am not concerned about. The Lord will always lead this Church through revelation, and that will never cease. I am just sad to see such a great man leave us, he truly did make a difference in many lives.

I had the opportunity to see the viewing of President Hinckley last week, and then that saturday, to attend his funeral in the conference center. It was an aamzing experience, both days. Over 15,000 people an hour went to go see Gordon B. Hinckley last Thursday and Friday. There were people waiting out in the cold for over 4 hours just to see him for 15 seconds, my roommate was one of them that waited until almost midnight on Friday to see him.

May we all remember that even though President Hinckley is gone, we have all of his words recorded, all the guidance he has given us, and we can study them, ponder on them, and have the reassurance that the words he would-have spoken, will now be spoken by our new Mouthpiece for the Lord, President Thomas S. Monson.

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