Monday, February 25, 2008

Cooking Practice

For the last few weeks, I have been practicing cooking meals with my camping stove that I have inside my house. I've been trying different combinations of foods to see what's easiest and fastest to make.

I have made Thai food (which is actually really easy), spaghetti, rice dishes, oatmeal, and the pasta dish I have showing in the pictures.

It's fun to try different combinations of foods to come up with good mixtures. The pasta dish here is simply 2 cut-up hot dogs, pasta, a can of peas, and a can of tomato sauce. Really easy, most things just get thrown in. It actually tasted pretty good too. It will be really fun to see what other combinations I can come up with before I leave on my trip. I'm trying to come up with healthy dishes too so I'm not killing my body from the inside out on this trip, as is the habit of most touring cyclists.

People who go on these trips say that you will probably eat between 3-4 times what you normally eat. I hope I don't eat that much, I actually want to lose some weight on this trip.

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