Saturday, January 5, 2008

My First Try at Sushi

I love sushi so much, but it's so expensive that I don't get it very much. So, I decided to learn how to make it myself. It's not as hard as people think it is, they just have-to go to the Oriental food mart and hold the Oriental lady's hand for a few minutes while she translates to you what Katsuo-bushi, mirin, nori, and shoyu is, and how it's used in sushi.

The best way to learn how, is just to go to Barnes and Noble, and pick up one of those "learn how to make sushi" book/CD packets. The guy on that CD is very helpful.

I was really excited to make it, and it tasted great! I used raw tuna as my fish, and added a little bit of roasted sesame seeds and spinach leaves.

Next time I will include a lot more ingredients, and do a little bit better at making the rice, so it doesn't have the consistency of toothpaste like this one almost did.

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