Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Holy cow it has been cold in my apartment. We are going on 4 1/2 days without any heat pumping into the apartment. It's so cold in here that the frigerator is warmer than our kitchen! Seriously, I have been warming up my hands by grabbing my gallon of milk in the fridge.

Due to a confusion between our newly married ex-roommate, and us still in the apartment, our gas got shut off instead of transferred to someone else's name last Friday. And since the gas company is closed on the weekends, we weren't able to call until yesterday. They said it would take a day to get it turned back on.

Do you know what no gas means? That means no heat, and no hot water. That's right, Cold showers. It's not fun to have-to boil water, and then bathe with a sponge. We've been wearing our coats all day, and sleeping with layers. During the day, we open the door to let the warm air in, even though outside it's still only 25 degrees or so. Not fun shtuff.

Luckily, it will be turned on tomorrow morning sometime. I am a little excited to enjoy heat again.

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